Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Office

No matter what career path you have at some point, you've worked in an environment like this or know someone who has. This show is a remake of the british cult classic and is actually one of the greatest TV shows I've ever seen.

If you can please watch this show. This is what you call Television at its finest. Tues on TBS at 10pm & 10:30 pm. Thurs on NBC @ 9:oopm


Miss.Stefanie said...

This show cracks me up!!

el, the high low life. said...

i LOVE this show.

A said...

I love this show and 30 rock!

Amanda Allison said...

Out of all the talk and all the people who watch The Office, I still haven't seen it. Maybe I day...

A Genius said...

This show is my shit!

Everyday Jane Dope. said...

Nice page booboo! I'm jealous. Im officially gonna start watching that show and if it's wack, i'm putting you on major BLAST.

JOFre$h said...

Amanda : the show definitely won't disappoint

Jane Dope: I gotta hook up your page for you, I'm suprised you dont watch the office your sarcasm fits perfect for the show

ALLIE said...


Luvvie said...

The Office is the Bees Knees.

JOFre$h said...

Allie: The office gets heavy rotation.

Luvvie : You aint never lied.

JOFre$h said...
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