Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I dont care...

"I don't care"
"It's not that serious"

These words quotes usually come before or after each other. Usually said after an argument in which the other side felt ridiculed or was proven wrong. The term is reminiscent of a child who is upset and says "I'm not your friend anymore". It really irks me when someone says this, because 9/10 they brought the topic of discussion up and because they didnt recieve the answer they were looking for , "It's not that serious, I Don't care".

This might be my shortest blog ever but I just wanted to vent about that. I know others have to feel the same way I do about that.


100K said...

my signatures:

"It is what it is"

"Call a spade a spade"

Miss.Stefanie said...

I just shake stuff and say "Forget about it"

Everyday Jane Dope. said...

Mine are:


"You done? Not yet?.........Now?"

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is said not because you lost an argument but because the person saying it knows the other person just doesn't get it and probably never will. If they roll their eyes before they say it, rest assured YOU just don't get it.

A Genius said...

I HATE when people say "It's not that serious"...hate it!

Tashur Raquel said...

It doesn't really bother me. It just depends on when you say it, and the situation you're in. Like you were saying..if you're in a big argument..arguing for hours, then at the end its all of a sudden "idc, it wasn't that serious anyway" that is quite annoying, and a lie. Cause they wouldn't have sat and argued all that time if it "wasn't that serious" lol. But if you're saying it because you just simply don't care, then I don't mind it. But if it was serious to begin with, then yeah it is that serious.